A call for help: Restoring and Repair a Buddhist Retreat Campus in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Community of Rangjung Yeshe is looking for fundraisers, partners, investors to restore and repair its ruined retreat campus in Ukraine. The plan involves changing ruins into a modern and fully developed facilities for individual and group retreats, seminars and other traditional buddhist programs. Main point is creating authentic buddhist place for study and practice. “Modern and fully developed” means, for example, the facilities for “dark” and traditional 3-year retreats as well as traditional medicine body healing facilitis, such as moderate steaming bath, herbal treatments and even chinese acupuncture and indian panchakarma – in the future https://gomdeua.org/jangchub-choling-en.php
The campus territory stretches in the forest on the 5 hectares square and contains a dozen of ruined buildings good enough to be restored, repaired and renovated. There’s a fast growing interest in Ukraine for buddhist teachings and practices and the demand for a proper and authentic place for study and practice rises every year not only among Rangjung Yeshe Community but among all buddhist groups on the Ukrainian national level. In order to meet this interest here at Gomde Ukraine they developed a step-by-step plan and has a clear vision what should critically be done this year and what has to be developed in the nearest future. The preliminary cost estimate rises from 5k to 1 mil euros.
The campus vision is not only to give roots for tibetan buddhist lineage but being open to all buddhist traditions and teachings.
Open for collaboration with fundraisers, partners, investors.
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