A wind generator to help spin the wheel of Dharma
For a reference:
Jangchub Choling Buddhist Retreat Center is a place where everyone can come and engage in Buddhist meditation and practices. To take part in our activities you need to register for the events that we announce here: https://gomdeua.org/news or to coordinate your individual arrival with the administration of our Center: info@gomdeua.org Viber +380675074168. Since the beginning of 2021, we have held about 10 different group events at the center. Right now here is a 3-month individual retreat in the challenging ascetic conditions staying in a tent in the forest!
We can say that, slowly but surely, our center is changing into a modern retreat center. We already have a 300-meter covered pavilion for meditation; we are working out on a plan of our shower rooms and toilets; we have a concept of all year living premises and a Buddhist temple. Of course we need funds, support, experts, engineers, builders, lawyers, accountants and many other things, but the development of such an ambitious project as ours is a long-term and gradual process. Therefore not all at once )))
Many of the Ukrainian Buddhist practitioners have already been to our forest retreat center and know that the whole year the center operates as a place for individual and group meditation practices. There is water, toilet, kitchen, roof over your head … solar electricity … And now we have a new challenge!
A special pride of our center is a solar mini-electric power plant, which provides the electricity needs. In our circumstances at the moment – the search for alternative sources of electricity is the best solution. Connecting to the existing power grid involves an expensive project and equipment (from 500 000 to 900 000 hryvnia), which we do not have. And thanks to solar panels, we have hot water and light.
However, our energy consumption is growing, the groups of practitioners are increasing… And the experience of living during winter time in the forest has shown that having only one source of energy is a dependence on weather conditions. Solar panels alone are not enough. So this year we continue to experiment and decided to mount a small wind turbine with 2.5 kW capacity.
Although it’s not much, only 2.5 kW (for example, solar panels give up to 20 kW in a summer sunny day), but in the absence of the sun these additional kilowatts will support our surviving, providing the water pump and lighting.
In Kyiv, there is an experienced craftsman, who is produces such wind turbines for small Ukrainian farms, and we have a need and the area where you put it. We need to raise funds and make efforts to install such a generator.
Therefore, we appeal to everyone with a request for help and invite to take part in this project. If you can donate a certain amount of money for this project, please transfer the funds to:
Gomde Ukraine Partner’s PayPal in Europe https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GN2A95KYMXX5Q&source=url
May the natural elements, the pure elements, the Buddhas of the five families, help the wheel of Dharma constantly turning at the Jangchub Choling Retreat Center through our joint prayers and efforts!
The concept of a retreat center
How we work
How we practice
Video with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche about the center
Video report about the summer works of 2020