Don’t lose a good opportunity!

Recntly we had sad news from Garchen Ratnashri Center: since 2020 Garchen Rinpoche stops with giving teachings all around the world and will be only at the main center in USA (info on Ukrainian). Some of us were lucky enough to meet Rinpoche during teachings in 2018 in Kyiv. Unfortunately, there is a considerable probability that for many of us it was the last opportunity to meet with the Master in this life personally. We believe that the received teaching will grow like to Dharma grain and help to avoid the suffering of ignorance in many future lives.
Teachers often tell us that one of the key ideas of Buddhism is impermanence. There is nothing stable: everything that has once begun will surely end. It causes the pain of the ignorant mind. But this impermanence makes our world so beautiful and teaches to appreciate every moment. We never know what will happen with us in future, and therefore you need to practice, to love, to make something good for other people, to use opportunities here and now. Life is changing, and if you have favorable circumstances this moment, you can lose it tomorrow.
Rangjung Yeshe Ukraine reminds that teachings by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche will begin in Kiev very soon, on June 3. We do not know if we can see your beloved Teacher in Kiev again. We do not know what will happen with us in future. We do not know what events will take place in our country, because we are in a turbulent sea of impermanence. We only know that the teachings of Rinpoche are the best opportunity to receive the instructions and blessings of the realized master, one of the greatest Buddhist teachers of nowadays.
We invite every person who is reading these lines now to join us on teachings! You still have time to register. It does not matter do you know anything about Buddhism, are you practice, do you have any empowerments. Teachings and blessings of Rinpochу will help you to leave Sansarian being!
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, “The Sun of Buddhist Teaching” is considered to be a seventh reincarnation of the Tibetan master Gar Drubchen and also emanation of the Indian master and philosopher of the II centure Nagarjuna. Rinpoche has given the teachings of Dharma for 42 years, since 1977!