Summer seminar of H.E.Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s is now also on Dharmasun: “The Four Seals of Dharma” and Ngakso Puja

We were delighted to know that those of us who could not attend the Summer seminar to listen to Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s teachings in person, now have the opportunity to follow the first part of this year’s summer seminar on the “Four Seals of Dharma” through Dharmasun.
The seminar starts on September 05 with introductory teachings by Khenpo Pema Namgyal.
From September 06 to 08, Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche will elucidate the essence of Buddhist teachings on the “Four Seals of Dharma” in a clear and profound manner. These seals express the fundamental truth of the Buddhist perspective.
Upon registration at Dharmasun, you will receive a Zoom link and recordings of the teachings. To register click
To listen to the Ukrainian translation of the teaching, you should register at the Ukrainian version of the website
For the first time, it will also be possible to participate in the profound practice of the Ngakso Puja online on September, 9. However, this will not be recorded.
The second part of the seminar, the profound Ati Yoga teachings on Mipham Rinpoche’s text “The Lamp that Dispels Darkness,” will only take place on-site.