The Power of Calm: Buddhist Practices for Supporting and Restoring Ukrainian

This program is for those who want to learn how to overcome fatigue from current events, sleep disorders, anxiety and stress, emotional “swings” and lack of inner support, relationship crises, uncertainty about their fate (abroad or in Ukraine), insecurity, doubts about what to do and where to go, and feelings of hopelessness and dead ends.

What Makes It Unique

The training is based on a combination of Buddhist and Western traditions of self-recovery and healing, aimed at restoring inner peace and strength. Buddhist ideas and practices are organically integrated with yoga therapy, meditation, psychological assistance, psychophysiology, art therapy, and the Tibetan health system. Transformation occurs through comprehensive and holistic support and experience that participants consistently gain over the course of a year-long journey.

How Does It Work?

We learn in a safe and friendly space during group online meetings lasting from 90 to 120 minutes. The lively and open dialogue between the trainer and the group allows for the acquisition of new knowledge and experience, sharing of transformational experiences, and learning from each other.
The “Power of Calm” program consists of eight thematic modules led by experienced trainers and Dharma practitioners. Each module lasts 30-35 days and includes 2-3 weekly meetings and a 2-day seminar.

Module Schedule:

• “Mind-Body Connection” – September
• “Behavioral Skills for Stress Management” – October
• “Overcoming Stress and Anxiety through Meditation” – December
• Break – January and February
• “Mindfulness Therapy” – March
• “Tibetan Tradition of Health and Nutrition” – April
• “Art Therapy” – May
• “The Power of Aspirations” – June