‘108 in Ukrainian®’ Initiative for Translating and Publishing Buddhist Literature

At the heart of the “108 in Ukrainian®” initiative lies an ambitious aspiration: to curate a comprehensive library of Ukrainian translations of contemporary Buddhist authors. These translated works aim to unravel the rich tapestry of Buddhist thought, distinct from the interpretations offered in Russian translations. The initiative recognizes the intricacies of neurolinguistic nuances, where the choice of words profoundly influences the reception of profound teachings. The team behind this initiative is committed to crafting translations that resonate authentically within the cultural and linguistic context of Ukraine.

However, this endeavor transcends mere translation. It aspires to bridge the gap between esotericism and accessibility. Through simple and logical explanations, the initiative seeks to demystify complex Buddhist concepts, rendering them accessible to a broader readership. By doing so, the “108 in Ukrainian®” initiative aspires to introduce meditation not as an abstract concept but as a practical tool for enhancing daily lives.


Embracing the Teachings for Everyday Life


Beyond translations, the initiative is dedicated to showcasing the lives of modern Dharma teachers—individuals who embody the teachings of Buddhism in their daily experiences. This approach, in contrast to esoteric narratives, strives to humanize the teachings, making them relatable to the Ukrainian populace. The initiative aims to shed light on Buddhist practices that extend far beyond cushion-seated meditation, encompassing a spectrum of methodologies aimed at fostering happiness and personal fulfillment.

The “108 in Ukrainian®” initiative stands as a testament to collaborative synergy, where Buddhism’s timeless wisdom intersects with contemporary aspirations. Through translations, publications, and the dissemination of teachings, this initiative seeks to enrich lives, cultivate mindfulness, and elevate the collective consciousness of Ukrainian society. By unlocking the treasure trove of Buddhist wisdom, the initiative is poised to shape the spiritual landscape of Ukraine, fostering a deeper understanding of life’s intricacies and the pursuit of meaning.
For more details https://gomdeua.org/en/108-in-ukrainian-initiative-for-translating-and-publishing-buddhist-literature/